Painter, photographer, performer and sculptor, Giovanna Andreassi was born in Verona in 1969.
Through workshops and installations, she creates artistic projects that mainly deal with the theme of recycling and its social value. Among these is ArtGEa, a brand that plans to give new life to “forgotten” objects and waste materials by transforming them into unique and original creations, with the aim of avoiding unnecessary waste.
She exhibits both in various group shows, including photographic ones, and solo exhibitions in Italy and abroad.
Occasionally, she works as an Art, Drawing and Art History teacher or as a support teacher in middle and high schools in Verona.
In 2020 she obtained the the 2nd level Academic Diploma in Atelier Direction, cultural mediation of art at the Academy of Fine Arts “G.B. Cignaroli” in Verona, Italy.
In 2007 she stayed and studied English at ALCC American Languagein New York City.
In 2007 she obtained an Academic Diploma in Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts “G.B. Cignaroli” in Verona, Italy.
In 2005 she won the Erasmus Socrates scholarship and attended the Academy of Fine Arts at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain.
From 2004 to 2006 she collaborated with the photographic studio Foto Click in Verona and as a photography assistant at José Moreno Escrivà’s company in Valencia, Spain.
In 2002 she stayed and studied English at Twickenham Language Studies and in 2013 at A1 School of English, Callan Method in London.
From 1996 to 2021 she studied modern jazz, hip hop, contemporary, classical and aerial dance. She performs in groups at the theater, events, charity shows and international competitions. On some occasions concerning dance, she participates as a set designer, graphic designer and painter, also creating artistic performances.
In 1987 she got the Diploma of Art Teacher in Weaving at the State Institute of Art “N. Nani” of Verona, Italy.
From 1979 to 1983 she attended the Painting Course with Prof. Gianni Lollis at the Artistic Education Center in Verona, Italy.
2017 Verona, “On the Road”, Testoni Gallery, edited by Vera Meneguzzo and Anna Paola Stefani.
2014 Verona, “NY Single”, Testoni Gallery, edited by Testoni Gallery in collaboration with ApertoArte.
2014 Piacenza, “Since 1969”, Jelmoni Gallery, edited by Jelmoni Gallery.
2013 Milan, “Giovanna Andreassi”, Atahotel Executive Milan, edited by Adelinda Allegretti.
2012 Lazise (Vr), “Il corpo in dono”, Dogana Veneta in Lazise, edited by A.I.D.O. and Percorsi Alternativi (Gruppo Danza).
2011 Verona, “MODERN ART’S FEELINGS AND CONCEPTIONS”, K59 Verona, edited by ApertoArte.
2010, Verona, “BACK-STAGE”, Circolo Ufficiali Castelvecchio, edited by Fiorenza Canestrari.
2007 Verona, “Mind in the Gap” Cerchio Aperto of Garda presented by Noneart.
2007 Camerino, Macerata, Countryhouse ‘Pappafò”.
2004 Fine Arts Academy “G.B. Cignaroli” of Verona.
2022 Verona, “Arte a San Giorgio in Braida”, San Giorgio in Braida Church, edited by Fiorenza Canestrari and Enrica Claudia De Fanti.
2020 Legnago (Vr), “L’arte nello sport” and waiting for “DanteDi 2021”, Archaeological Environmental Center, edited by Enrica Claudia De Fanti and Fiorenza Canestrari.
2019 Legnago (Vr), “GOLEM IV”, Fioroni Museum, edited by Enrica Claudia De Fanti and Fiorenza Canestrari.
2019 Cesenatico (Forlì-Cesena), “Le macchine sognanti di Leonardo da Vinci”, Tende al mare 2019 XXII Edition, organized by the Department of Culture of Cesenatico Town Council and the Academy of Fine Arts of Verona, Italy.
2018 Verona, “ApertoArte e i suoi artisti”, Circolo Unificato dell’Esercito, edited by Fiorenza Canestrari and Cultural Association ApertoArte.
2018 Faenza (Ravenna), “LA PLASTICITÀ DEL SÉ (ROOM 60)”, workshop and installation by Silvia Celeste Calcagno, Carlo Zauli Museum, edited by Matteo Zauli with support and collaboration of AiCC – Associazione Italiana Città della Ceramica.
2016 Rome, “Holy Year of Jubilee…”, La Pigna Gallery, edited by Our Cultural Association Napoli.
2016 San Donà di Piave (Venice), “Venice Project 5th edition”, ArT Studio, edited by Paolo Dogà.
2016 Napoli, “L’Evoluzione dell’Arte nel Mondo Moderno”, Le Porte Modern Art Gallery, edited by Our Cultural Association Napoli.
2016 London, “Another Italy”, 5th Gallery, edited by Silvia Arfelli (“LA MAYA DESNUDA”).
2016 Venice, “Light, colors and modern art forms”, San Vidal Art Center in Venice, edited by Our Cultural Association Napoli.
2015 Verona, “12TONIGHT”, Berfi’s Club, edited by ApertoArte and Stefano Brugnoli.
2015 Innsbruck, Group Exhibition of three artists, Bertrand Kass Gallery, edited by Bertrand Kass Gallery.
2015 Monza, “Copyright looks”, Scuderie Villa Borromeo d’Adda in Arcore, presentation and critical edited by Giorgio Grasso.
2013 Los Angeles, “Skies (Nel blu dipinto di blu)”, Latino Art Museum, edited by Latino Art Museum, Italian Cultural Institute – Los Angeles and Adelinda Allegretti.
2013 Olgiate Comasco (Como), “Alice in Wonderland”, Congress Centre Middle Ages, edited by Adelinda Allegretti.
2013 London, “London Open Art”, The Rag Factory Gallery, edited by Fiorenza Canestrari e Riccardo Freggia.
2012 Verona, “3 in Arte”, Location Leoni 11, edited by ApertoArte, DBA and Leoni 11.
2012 Verona, “9TONIGHT”, Berfi’s Club, edited by Stefano Brugnoli and Fiorenza Canestrari.
2012 Ogliara (Sa), “Porte Aperte 2012”, “Start – Mostra Collettive 30 x 30 cm”, Città Creativa Museum, edited by Giada Caliendo.
2012 Verona, “4TONIGHT”, Berfi’s Club, edited by Stefano Brugnoli and Fiorenza Canestrari.
2012 Verona, “Contemporary Art Verona 2012”, Arte Spazio6 Gallery, edited by Giancarlo Zanini. 2011 Verona, “Mq 320”, Circolo Arcimontorio, edited by Circolo Arcimontorio.
2011 Massa Marittima (Gr), “Start”, SpazioARTaltro Gallery, edited by Amanda Bolognini and Gian Paolo Bonesini.
2010 Verona, “Art meets research”, Palazzo della Ragione, edited by Fiorenza Canestrari and Maria Elisabetta Villa.
2010 Verona, “A petal for infinite flowers”, Incorniciarte Gallery, edited by Incorniciarte Gallery.
2009 Verona, “25 x 25”, D’Arte DORO Gallery, edited by Ernesto Zancanella.
2009 Verona, “Materiali in Arte 2009”, 1st Competition and Exhibition of works of art made with recycled materials, Birolli Room, Verona, by Art@ltro Association, 3rd Prize.
2008 Verona, “100% cm”, Sala Radetzky of Peschiera del Garda, presented by Noneart.
2007 Verona “White Night” presented by the Fine Arts Academy “G.B. Cignaroli” of Verona.
2005 Verona “Memories” presented by the Fine Arts Academy “G.B. Cignaroli” of Verona.
2004 Verona, “Biographical Recuts”, Atelier.
2004 Verona “The Spaces of Art” Cacciatori Barracks of Peschiera del Garda presented by the Fine Arts Academy “G.B. Cignaroli” of Verona.
2003 Verona, “Call to Arts”, Festa dell’Unità presented by the Cultural Association Locomotiva Fumante.
2003 Verona, “Call to Arts”, Social Centre of Sommacampagna presented by the Cultural Association Locomotiva Fumante.
2019 Verona, “CRIPTO GRAFIE”, San Briccio Fort, Sound Art review promoted by the Academy of Fine Arts of Verona, Abaco Conservatory of Verona, Göteborg University of Music and Theatre. Coordination of DiplomArt.
2017 Verona, “Il nostro viaggio nello stile”, shop Profili hairstyles. Hairstyles of Santina Quartararo, IOOI clothing collections by Monica Tebon, exhibited works by Giovanna Andreassi, event presentation by Vera Meneguzzo.
2016 Milan, “Affordable Art Fair 2016 Milan”, SUPERSTUDIO PIU’, edited by QueenArtStudio Gallery.
2016 Asolo (Treviso), “4th Edition – Biennial Art of Asolo”, Convent and Church SS. Peter and Paul, edited by Itaca Investimenti d’Arte.
2016 Innsbuck, “Art Innsbruck 2016”, 20th Edition, Innsbruck, edited by Bertrand Kass Gallery.
2011 Verona, “Dogana in Danza – memorie di un luogo in continua trasformazione”, modern and contemporary dance performance, scenography and graphic by Giovanna Andreassi, Dogana Veneta in Lazise, edited by Percorsi Alternativi (Gruppo Danza).
2010 Verona, “San Giò Verona Video Festival”, Giardini Scaligeri Indipendenza Small Square, edited by CINECLUB VERONA.
2010, Verona “COLOR KHATARSIS”, F.lli Dolci factory, edited by Staffan Mossenmark and WunderKammer Cultural Association. Preview of the music, dance and video performance “Verona Risuona”.
2018 Napoli, “Fra Tradizione e Innovazione-Vol. IV. Movimenti ed idee dell’arte contemporanea dall’Impressionismo al Duemila”, edited by the historian and art critic Rosario Pinto, Eng. Gennaro Corduas and Cultural Association Napoli Nostra.
2018 Verona, “BadLab”, Academy of Fine Arts “G.B. Cignaroli” of Verona, edited by Katia Brugnolo.
2015 Monza, “Contemporary Art Collection”, Expo 2015 Edition, edited by SEA Italia s.r.l., foreword by Dr. Giorgio Grasso.
2009 Verona, “Art Materials in 2009”, First exhibition-competition of works created whit recycled materials, Verona, April 18 – May 4, 2009, edited by Gian Paolo Bonesini.
2004 Verona, “Espo Caffe”, Academy of Fine Arts G.B. Cignaroli of Verona, edited by Camilla Bertoni.