Giovanna Andreassi

Mind the gap or Beware of emptiness. The phrase has been present in the London Underground since 1969 and it warns passengers to pay attention to the space between the train and the platform.

Mind gap or Mental emptiness. In psychological jargon, to pay attention is the set of two effects (spotlight and invisibility) that cause the gap between our point of view and that of others.

Mind in the gap doesn’t actually exist grammatically speaking, but it could be translated into Attention inside void. No one warns you. But what happens, when do you fall into the void? And not because of a dangerous space in the subway or a thought of yours that does not coincide with that of others. When you are immersed in the emptiness that envelops your soul, body and mind, how do you manage to go back up? These are difficult questions to which each of us finds his own answers.

In private and in the intimacy of a bathroom, the personal response was to impress that emptiness on the canvas and anything else, it was to face it carefully until it flew away forever.



“The Box”

Designed, built, and assembled manually using various materials, from recycled cardboard to wood, from pictures printed on acetate to LED lights, with the intention of simply telling the story of a woman.

She comes from a turbulent and violent past, remains suffering and motionless sitting on an almost regal chair, chained to the social demands of a male-dominated world where the worst enemies, in the end, are often women themselves. She wears a mask that helps her hide her fear, even of death, she conforms to stereotypes, to what is considered normal, thus repressing her true soul. Aware of her imprisonment, she wonders how one can break free from the chains that tighten progressively more over time, how to drop the mask and face fears and the world outside of it, how to get out of all this deceptive and useless appearance. The answer comes with time and is the only possible one. Listen to your Heart.